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Accessing Windows share

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:49 pm
by frankl

Can someone please help me set up GeeXbox so I can play audio/Movies and watch slideshows of my photo collection on my WII.

My WII is set up on my wireless network and it and my home computer that I am trying to access have static IP addresses.

I setup Mplayer CE with Windows shares and with this I can access music and videos on my home PC.

I must say now that I am not that technical and setting up Mplayer only required the IP address of my home computer and a share name.

I have looked through the network file on the SD card and although I have filled in some IP information (hopefully in the right place) I still can’t access my home PC.

I have also specified the Windows shares (no ID or password necessary) and I have pasted the whole network file configuration below.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

By the way, what should the 3 letter file extension be for the configuration file?

Many thanks


# System's Network Configuration

PHY_TYPE="auto" # Network physical type (auto|ethernet|wifi)
HOST="" # GeeXboX IP ("" for DHCP)
SUBNET="" # GeeXboX Subnet mask ("" for DHCP)
GATEWAY="" # Gateway IP ("" for DHCP or no internet connection)
DNS_SERVER="" # DNS Server IP ("" for DHCP or none)
DHCP_TIMEOUT="0" # DHCP timeout seconds (set >0 for slow servers)
ETH="" # set interface in case it's not eth0

# Wifi settings

WIFI_MODE="managed" # Wifi working mode (managed|ad-hoc)
WIFI_CHANNEL="" # Wifi channel
WIFI_ENC="WEP" # Wifi Encryption method (WEP|WPA|none)
WIFI_KEY="" # Wifi WEP/WPA key (in ASCII mode, not hex.)
WIFI_ESSID="any" # Wifi SSID
WPA_DRV="wext" # WPA driver (wext|atmel)
WPA_SCAN_SSID="1" # Request SSID-specific scanning; for APs that
# reject broadcast SSID (0|1)
WPA_AP_SCAN="2" # Driver AP scanning method (0|1|2)

# Services to be started at boot time


# Use UPnP MediaServer devices auto-discovery


# Network Stream

# WARNING: SHOUTcast TV may contain streams with adult content!
BLACKLIST="adult porn xxx ESS SWCTV SWPTV Subscription"

# Generic shares settings
# Set to 0 to disable network rescan, or else time (minutes) between scans.

# Samba settings

# Note that configured Samba shares cannot contain spaces in their names.
SMB_USER="photos" # User Login ("" for none)
SMB_PWD="" # User Password ("" for none)

# Static Samba shares can be defined as shown in the commented examples below,
# where <%>,<@>,<&>,<#> field separators must be present as shown (Note that
# the password cannot contain these special delimiters):


Re: Accessing Windows share

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:29 pm
by farter
Make sure you are using MINI version and wifi is actually working.

At least your SUBNET is set wrong and GATEWAY is missing.